Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Kindergarten Prep

Kindergarten Prep November 7, 2013 Ivy Coach recommends the kindergarten prep services of Say and Play Family in Manhattan. Need kindergarten prep? It no secret that Manhattan parents of rising kindergartners collectively let out a huge sigh of relief when it was announced that the use of the ERB would be eliminated in the kindergarten admissions process. But that relief didnt last long. Shortly thereafter, these same parents started wondering how Manhattan private schools would be determining which kids get into their kindergartens and which kids dont. They wanted to know how they can now prepare their children for the revised kindergarten admissions process. While Ivy Coach does not offer kindergarten admissions help to parents in Manhattan, we do recommend the services of Say and Play Family,  which was recently featured in an article of The Atlantic. So how exactly will private schools in Manhattan approach the new kindergarten admissions process? Well, schools will most likely step up their interview game. As schools will only meet with your four or five year-old for a short amount of time, making the right initial impression is critical! Your child needs to demonstrate their best kindergarten readiness skills during this most important interview. Stephanie Sigal, a speech therapist and her colleagues, an occupational therapist with a specialty in handwriting and a teacher, help Manhattan rising kindergartners prepare for this interview and there is much work to be done in this area. From early reading to writing to math abilities to speech and language skills, attention, following directions, critical thinking, and art skills, the team at Say and Play will work with your child so that they can ace the kindergarten admissions interview. For a more complete overview of Say and Play Familys kindergarten prep program, check out their kindergarten prep service offerings.